Sale of Property / Owner Address Change Form
You may use the forms below to make changes to ownership or Property Management information. You may also call 509 547-3581 to have hard copies of the forms mailed to you. Once you have completed the forms, please return them in person or by mail to Housing Authority of the City of Pasco and Franklin County, 2505 W. Lewis St, Pasco, WA 99301.
If the property has been sold, please read and complete the Ownership Change Form and the Assumption of HAP Contract form.
If the property has changed or added property management, please read and complete the Property Manager Change form and the Assumption of HAP Contract form.
If the owner or property management is the same but has had a change in their name, address, or SSN/TIN, please read and complete the Owner PM Information Change form.
New Lease Offer / Request for Tenancy Approval
To renew a lease or rent with an existing Section 8 tenant, the landlord must:
- Send the tenant a notice of the lease renewal within 60 days of the effective date
- The landlord and tenant must complete Request for Tenancy Approval – New Lease Offer form (RFTA-NLO), and provide it to HACPFC 30 days or more before the effective date of the new lease. A copy of the new lease must be attached.
Please note: This version of the RFTA-NLO may only be used for existing tenants. New tenants must get a Request for Tenant Approval form from their voucher specialist.
Rent Change Notice
Rent increases may only be made once in a 12 month period. The notice must be received by the Section 8 tenant and the HACPFC 60 days or more prior to the effective date of the rent increase. All rent increases are reviewed by HACPFC staff for reasonableness through comparison of similar units in the area.
You may use any standard notice.
Rent Increase Denial
We understand that having a new lease or rent increase denied is difficult. We hope that having these rules in writing will assist you in meeting our required deadlines. Please understand that if you miss these deadlines, you will receive a letter from us telling you that we cannot approve the change and giving you the effective date we can approve. In this case, you will need to provide new documents with the correct effective dates.
Our Voucher Specialist Response Time
You should receive either a notice that we have not approved the rent amount or a rent change notice within two weeks of sending us a proper Notice of Rent Increase. If you have sent a RFTA-NLO, you will receive a new Housing Assistance Payments Contract in the same time period.
If you do not receive one of these items, please contact the voucher specialist who works with your client to make sure we received your documents. (If you are sending a notice several months in advance, it may not be processed until the month preceding the effective date.)
Important Information
New leases and rent changes that we do not approve cannot be enforced on the tenant.
If you have questions, please contact the voucher specialist responsible for your tenant. If you do not know who the voucher specialist is, please call 509 547-3581 and ask the receptionist to direct your call.