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Posts by category
- Category: News
- Category: Public Notices
- Varney Court Apartments
- Highland Park Homes
- Firwood Square
- Driftwood Square
- Cedarwood Square
- Beechwood Square
- Birchwood Square
- Oakwood Square
- Sagewood Square
- Alderwood Square
- Maplewood Square
- High-Rise
- Octave Street
- W. Margaret Street
- N. 3rd Ave
- Agate Street
- Who is Eligible?
- What about my Immigration Status?
- Do you look at criminal history?
- What are your preferences?
- What are your Public Housing Policies?
- How do I Apply?
- Am I Eligible?
- How Do I Apply?
- Do I have to live in Franklin County to apply?
- Can I apply more than once?
- How do I know if you got my application?
- I have a disability and need assistance
- Is the application available in other languages?
- If I fill out the application, am I sure to get Housing Assistance?
- Why preferences?
- What happens after I apply?
- How do I Find a Home?
- Can I move into Pasco and Franklin County with my Voucher?
- Can I move out of Pasco Franklin County with my Voucher?
- What happens if a landlord raises the rent or changes the lease without following these procedures?
- What is involved with the HACPFC approval or disapproval of a new lease offer?
- What happens if the tenant does not accept the offer of a new lease?
- How does the landlord change the term of the lease and/or the utility responsibility?
- What is involved with the HACPFC approval or disapproval of the new rent amount?
- How does the landlord give notice of a rent increase?
- When can the landlord raise the rent?
- What kind of changes to the lease can the landlord make?